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Slipped Disc

Slipped Disc

Human vertebral column has 26 vertebrae. Each vertebra lies over another and in between lies padded cushion to absorb the shock of physical jerks and movements. The spinal nerves control the vital functions of body. The cushioned disc lying in between the two vertebrae provide support from wear and tear and over load. There are many diseased conditions associated with spine and vertebral column. The most important of them are the three that resemble somewhat similar and are confusing to a common person. These conditions are

  • Slipped disc
  • Spondylosis
  • Spondylitis

Slipped Disc

Because of an unusual jerk or body bending, the disc gets herniated out of its position and presses the adjoining spinal nerve. This condition is called as slipped disc. Pain after long standing and bending with radiation and numbness, heaviness are the clinical symptoms. In some of the cases the situation becomes so severe that it may lead to even paralysis of the nerve if not taken care of. This condition is generally seen in an age group of 25-45 years. It may involve one or multiple discs of vertebral column at one time and the pain is radiating in nature.


It is the osteoarthritis of vertebral joints in which the bones become weak and lead to reduced strength of the joint between the vertebrae. This situation also has the same clinical picture of symptoms as that of slip disc. It generally does not involve multiple joints and pain is without radiation.


This is inflammation of vertebral joints or other joints of body due to infection, injury or some auto immune pathology. This has the same symptoms as that of slip disc and spondylosis. It generally involves multiple joints at one time as is seen in ankylosing spondylitis 

Slipped disc

Protrusion of the cushioned inter vertebral disc out of its position is called as slipped or herniated disc. It sometimes presses the nearby spinal nerve, worsening the symptoms.

Causes of slipped disc

  • Wrong postural habits.
  • Prolonged sitting works.
  • Lack of exercise makes the muscles stiffness which creates pressure on the spine.
  • Trauma or injury.
  • Disc of obese people have to bear extra weight. So they are more prone to develop slip disc.
  • Slip disc can even result from some simple bending, twisting or turning around.

Symptoms of slipped disc

  • Pain and numbness in the affected area.
  • Pain radiates to hands or legs depending on the site.
  • Pain increases while long standing or walking.
  • Pain increases at night.
  • Patient sometimes complain of burning sensation at the site of nerve compression.